Connect with Others

Connecting our community to our Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program.

We have intentionally developed experiences to connect you with colleagues from around the state. Through our Professional Development leadership forums and communities of practice, we support our team with educational resources for our Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program.

EIWI Family

Last year, 13,770 children were evaluated for eligibility for the Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program.

PD Leadership

A chance for leaders to come together to learn about and collaborate around the professional development system.

Quarterly, program leaders are invited to join our RESource professional development team to learn about the newest PD offerings and collaborate around materials and experiences currently being developed.

Email us at to sign up!

  • July 10, 1-2:30 PM 
  • July 25,  9-10:30 AM 
EIWI Quick Selections

Communities of Practice

Get connected with your peers to learn, collaborate, and grow as a team.

Support Wisconsin’s Birth to 3 Program children and families by participating in our CoPs: Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Educator, Leader, Service Coordinator, and Infant Mental Health.

Sign Up

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