
EIWI Quick Selections

Resources for those who lead and support the Birth to 3 Program workforce

Leadership in early intervention is critical to ensure that intervention teams are supported as they support children and families in reaching their fullest potential. Leaders must be knowledgeable about the Part C IDEA regulations and evidence-based practices and be able to provide guidance and resources to families, providers, and community partners in order to ensure compliance and to promote the mission and guiding principles of the Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program.


NEW! Leader Led PD Opportunities: Professional development lesson plans for leaders to use with their Birth to 3 Program teams. These plans incorporate resources that have been developed and gathered by Wisconsin RESource and are designed to reinforce concepts that are fundamental to early intervention.

That’s OCA!

OCA All Day –  Debunking Misconceptions

Community of Practice for Leaders: Quarterly opportunities to network with other Birth to 3 Program service coordinators across the state about topics relevant to services in the program and to share resources and tips. Visit the Calendar of Events page to register. Meeting – Participation Based

National Resources

DEC Recommended Practices (Leadership: pgs 6-7): The Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Recommended Practices provide guidance to practitioners to help bridge the gap between research and practice by highlighting those practices that have been shown to result in better outcomes for young children with disabilities, their families, and the personnel who serve them. Practice Guide – Read time for section: 5 minutes

Collaboration in Leadership Checklist: This Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center checklist provides strategies leaders can use to promote collaboration within and across agencies and programs at the state and local levels. Practice Improvement Tool: Self-paced

Motivation and Guidance in Leadership Checklist: This Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center checklist provides examples of practices leaders can use to create an environment in which work can get done in an effective and rewarding way. Practice Improvement Tool: Self-paced

Vision and Direction in Leadership Checklist: This Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center checklist includes examples of steps leaders can take to help create a well-functioning and forward-thinking organization and to help practitioners feel a sense of belonging as they understand their purpose within the organization. Practice Improvement Tool: Self-paced

Orientation and On-boarding Early Interventionists: Experiential learning and peer coaching to support the on-boarding process. Video – Watch time: 60 minutes

More Resources

EIWI Quick Selections


Supporting smooth, seamless transitions for children and families in the Birth to 3 Program.
EIWI Quick Selections

Service Coordination

Helpful resources for Service Coordinators as they support children and families in the Birth to 3 Program.
EIWI Quick Selections

OSEP Child Outcomes

Understanding the three global child outcomes adopted by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)