Service Coordination

EIWI Quick Selections

Helpful resources for Service Coordinators as they support children and families in the Birth to 3 Program

Service coordination is a key feature of the Birth to 3 Program and is a mandated service under Part C of IDEA, provided at no cost to families. The service coordinator provides expertise on navigating the early intervention system, using family-centered practices, linking families to community resources, fostering strong family-professional partnerships, and facilitating and documenting the early intervention process.

Functions of the Service Coordinator as outlined in DHS 90.11(1)(b) 

  1. Coordinating the performance of evaluation and assessments 
  2. Facilitating and participating in the development, review, and evaluation of the IFSP;
  3. Assisting parents in identifying available service providers;
  4. Facilitating access to services and coordinating and monitoring the timely provision of services;
  5. Informing parents of the availability of advocacy services;
  6. Coordinating with medical and other health care providers; and
  7. Facilitating the development of transition plans

Homegrown Resources

Community of Practice for Service Coordinators: Quarterly opportunities to network with other Birth to 3 Program service coordinators across the state about topics relevant to services in the program and to share resources and tips. Visit the Calendar of Events page to register. Meeting: Participation based

Essential Websites for the Birth to 3 Program A quick reference to several major state and national websites related to early intervention. Infographic – Read time: 2 minutes

Birth to 3 Program Operations Guide (Chapter 8: Service Coordination): The Birth to 3 Program Operations Guide clarifies the program’s purpose and requirements and captures the relevant policies and procedures needed for local agencies to operationalize the program. Practice Guide – Read Time for section: 10 minutes

National Resources

DEC-ITCA Joint Position Statement on Service Coordination in Early Intervention: The Division for Early Childhood (DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and the IDEA Infant & Toddler Coordinators Association (ITCA) collaborated on this joint position statement to acknowledge the importance of early intervention (EI) service coordination and recognize the expertise and needs of the professionals who provide this service. Position Paper – Read time: 15-20 minutes

Knowledge and Skills for Service Coordinators: Developed by the Workgroup on Recommended Knowledge and Skills for Service Coordinators (RKSSC), National SC Leadership Institute Group (a subgroup of the National SC Training Workgroup) with guidance and support from the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and the Early Childhood Personnel Center (ECPC) to provide awareness of the foundational knowledge and skills that are necessary for quality service coordination in early intervention. Practice Guide – Read time: 5 minutes

Knowledge and Skills for Service Coordinators Self Assessment Tool: A self-assessment tool for Service Coordinators to use in conjunction with the Knowledge and Skills document in order to reflect on individual knowledge and skills. Practice Improvement Tool: Self-paced

National DEC Service Coordinator Community of Practice: The Division for Early Childhood (DEC) offers service coordinators the opportunities to network with others across the nation, share SC-related resources and tips, and learn about topics relevant to providing high-quality service coordination. Visit the SC CoP page on the DEC website to learn about upcoming events and to join. Meeting: Participation based

More Resources

EIWI Quick Selections


Supporting smooth, seamless transitions for children and families in the Birth to 3 Program.
EIWI Quick Selections

OSEP Child Outcomes

Understanding the three global child outcomes adopted by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)
EIWI Quick Selections

New to Early Intervention (EI) – Welcome to the WI Birth to 3 Program

Welcome to the Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program! Explore the following foundational resources to support your work in early intervention.